Sulcal Identification Query Example in Neurolang

Initialise the Neurolang deterministic environment

import warnings


import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from nilearn import datasets, plotting

from neurolang import ExplicitVBR, NeurolangDL

Initialise the NeuroLang probabilistic engine.

nl = NeurolangDL()

Load the Destrieux example from nilearn as a fact list

atlas_destrieux = datasets.fetch_atlas_destrieux_2009()
atlas_labels = {
    label: str(name.decode("utf8"))
    for label, name in atlas_destrieux["labels"]

nl.add_atlas_set("destrieux", atlas_labels, nib.load(atlas_destrieux["maps"]))


destrieux: typing.AbstractSet[typing.Tuple[str, neurolang.regions.ExplicitVBR]] = ('Background', Region(VBR= affine:[[   2.    0.    0.  -76.]
 [   0.    2.    0. -109.]
 [   0.    0.    2.  -64.]
 [   0.    0.    0.    1.]], voxels:[[ 0  0  0]
 [ 0  0  1]
 [ 0  0  2]
 [75 92 73]
 [75 92 74]
 [75 92 75]])) ...

Add utility functions, one for the prefix of the region’s name one to determine the principal direction of the region.

def startswith(prefix: str, s: str) -> bool:
    """Describe the prefix of string `s`.

    prefix : str
        prefix to query.
    s : str
        string to check whether its
        prefixed by `s`.

        whether `s` is prefixed by
    return s.startswith(prefix)

def principal_direction(s: ExplicitVBR, direction: str, eps=1e-6) -> bool:
    """Describe the principal direction of
    the extension of a volumetric region.

    s : ExplicitVBR
        region to analyse the principal
        direction of its extension.
    direction : str
        principal directions, one of
        `LR`, `AP`, `SI`, for the directions
        left-right, anterio-posterior, and
        superior inferior respectively.
    eps : float, optional
        minimum difference on between
        directional standard deviations,
        by default 1e-6.

        wether the principal variance of
        `s` is `direction`.
    # Assuming RAS coding os the xyz space.
    c = ["LR", "AP", "SI"]

    s_xyz = s.to_xyz()
    cov = np.cov(s_xyz.T)
    evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
    i = np.argmax(np.abs(evals))
    abs_max_evec = np.abs(evecs[:, i].squeeze())
    sort_dir = np.argsort(abs_max_evec)
    if np.abs(abs_max_evec[sort_dir[-1]] - abs_max_evec[sort_dir[-2]]) < eps:
        return False
        main_dir = c[sort_dir[-1]]
    return (direction == main_dir) or (direction[::-1] == main_dir)

Example 1: Characterise Some of the Sulci

In this example we characterise:

  • left hemisphere primary sulci, by name

  • left frontal lobe sulcus as those

    • anterior to Destrieux’s left central sulcus

    • superior to Destrieux’s left anterio-vertical section of the lateral fissure.

These will be present in all further programs. There are no executed queries in this section, just declared ones.

with nl.environment as e:
    e.left_sulcus[e.name_, e.region] = e.destrieux(
        e.name_, e.region
    ) & startswith("L S", e.name_)

    e.left_primary_sulcus[e.name_, e.region] = e.destrieux(e.name_, e.region) & (
        (e.name_ == "L S_central")
        | (e.name_ == "L Lat_Fis-post")
        | (e.name_ == "L S_pericallosal")
        | (e.name_ == "L S_parieto_occipital")
        | (e.name_ == "L S_calcarine")
        | (e.name_ == "L Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical")
        | (e.name_ == "L Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont")
    e.left_frontal_lobe_sulcus[e.region] = (
        e.left_sulcus(..., e.region)
        & e.anatomical_anterior_of(e.region, e.destrieux.s["L S_central"])
        & e.anatomical_superior_of(
            e.region, e.destrieux.s["L Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical"]

Example 2: Query the Precentral Sulcus

this query and all defined will not be in the program after the with context finishes. But the results remain. We identify the precentral sulcus (PC) as:

  • belongs to the left frontal lobe

  • its principal direction is along the superior-inferior axis.

  • no other sulcus satisfying the same conditions is anterior to the PC.

with nl.scope as e:
    e.named_sulcus["L precentral sulcus", e.region] = (
        & e.principal_direction(e.region, "SI")
        & ~nl.exists(
            & (e.region != e.other_region)
            & e.anatomical_posterior_of(e.other_region, e.region),

    res = nl.query((e.name_, e.region), e.named_sulcus(e.name_, e.region))

for name, region in res:
    subplots = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 5))[1]
        region.spatial_image(), display_mode="x", title=name, axes=subplots[0]
        region.spatial_image(), display_mode="y", axes=subplots[1]
plot sulcal queries

Example 3: Query the Superior Frontal Sulcus

this query and all defined will not be in the program after the with context finishes. But the results remain. In this query we express that the superior frontal sulcus (SFS) as a sulcus which:

  • belongs to the left frontal lobe

  • its principal direction is along the anterior-posterior axis.

  • no other sulcus satisfying the same conditions is superior to the SFS.

with nl.scope as e:
    e.named_sulcus["L superior frontal sulcus", e.region] = (
        & e.principal_direction(e.region, "AP")
        & ~nl.exists(
            & (e.region != e.other_region)
            & e.anatomical_superior_of(e.other_region, e.region),

    res = nl.query((e.name_, e.region), e.named_sulcus(e.name_, e.region))

for name, region in res:
    subplots = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 5))[1]
        region.spatial_image(), display_mode="x", title=name, axes=subplots[0]
        region.spatial_image(), display_mode="y", axes=subplots[1]
plot sulcal queries

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 14.061 seconds)

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