NeuroLang Example based Implementing a NeuroSynth Query

import warnings


from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable

import nibabel
import nilearn.datasets
import nilearn.image
import nilearn.plotting
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from neurolang import ExplicitVBROverlay, NeurolangPDL
from neurolang.frontend.neurosynth_utils import get_ns_mni_peaks_reported

Data preparation

data_dir = Path.home() / "neurolang_data"

Load the MNI atlas and resample it to 4mm voxels

mni_t1 = nibabel.load(
    nilearn.datasets.fetch_icbm152_2009(data_dir=str(data_dir / "icbm"))["t1"]
mni_t1_4mm = nilearn.image.resample_img(mni_t1, np.eye(3) * 4)
Dataset created in /home/circleci/neurolang_data/icbm/icbm152_2009

Downloading data from ...
 ...done. (2 seconds, 0 min)
Extracting data from /home/circleci/neurolang_data/icbm/icbm152_2009/e05b733c275cab0eec856067143c9dc9/download..... done.

Probabilistic Logic Programming in NeuroLang

nl = NeurolangPDL()

Adding new aggregation function to build a region overlay

def agg_create_region_overlay(
    i: Iterable, j: Iterable, k: Iterable, p: Iterable
) -> ExplicitVBROverlay:
    mni_coords = np.c_[i, j, k]
    return ExplicitVBROverlay(
        mni_coords, mni_t1_4mm.affine, p, image_dim=mni_t1_4mm.shape

Load the NeuroSynth database

peak_data = get_ns_mni_peaks_reported(data_dir)
ijk_positions = np.round(
        peak_data[["x", "y", "z"]].values.astype(float),
peak_data["i"] = ijk_positions[:, 0]
peak_data["j"] = ijk_positions[:, 1]
peak_data["k"] = ijk_positions[:, 2]
peak_data = peak_data[["i", "j", "k", "id"]]

nl.add_tuple_set(peak_data, name="PeakReported")
study_ids = nl.load_neurosynth_study_ids(data_dir, "Study")
    study_ids.value, name="SelectedStudy"
    data_dir, "TermInStudyTFIDF", tfidf_threshold=1e-3
Downloading data from ...
 ...done. (1 seconds, 0 min)
Downloading data from ...
 ...done. (0 seconds, 0 min)
Downloading data from ...
 ...done. (0 seconds, 0 min)
Downloading data from ...
 ...done. (0 seconds, 0 min)

TermInStudyTFIDF: typing.AbstractSet[typing.Tuple[str, str, float]] = (9862924, '001', 0.0553942161114) ...
with nl.scope as e:
    e.Activation[e.i, e.j, e.k] = e.PeakReported(
        e.i, e.j, e.k, e.s
    ) & e.SelectedStudy(e.s)
    e.TermAssociation[e.t] = e.SelectedStudy(e.s) & e.TermInStudyTFIDF(
        e.s, e.t, ...
    e.ActivationGivenTerm[e.i, e.j, e.k, e.PROB[e.i, e.j, e.k]] = e.Activation(
        e.i, e.j, e.k
    ) // e.TermAssociation("auditory")
        agg_create_region_overlay(e.i, e.j, e.k, e.p)
    ] = e.ActivationGivenTerm(e.i, e.j, e.k, e.p)

    img_query = nl.query((e.x,), e.ActivationGivenTermImage(e.x))
result_image = img_query.fetch_one()[0].spatial_image()
img = result_image.get_fdata()
plot = nilearn.plotting.plot_stat_map(
    result_image, threshold=np.percentile(img[img > 0], 95)
plot neurosynth implementation

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.899 seconds)

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